A hook for observing the state of the keyboard
Copy/paste the following code to ~/lib/keyboard.tsx
import * as React from 'react';import { Keyboard, type KeyboardEvent } from 'react-native';
const EVENT_TYPE = { // Only keyboardDidShow and keyboardDidHide events are available on Android with 1 exception: didShow: { show: 'keyboardDidShow', hide: 'keyboardDidHide' }, willShow: { show: 'keyboardWillShow', hide: 'keyboardWillHide' },} as const;
export function useKeyboard( { eventType = 'didShow' }: { eventType?: keyof typeof EVENT_TYPE } = { eventType: 'didShow' }) { const [isKeyboardVisible, setKeyboardVisible] = React.useState(false); const [keyboardHeight, setKeyboardHeight] = React.useState(0);
React.useEffect(() => { const showListener = Keyboard.addListener(EVENT_TYPE[eventType].show, (e: KeyboardEvent) => { setKeyboardVisible(true); setKeyboardHeight(e.endCoordinates.height); }); const hideListener = Keyboard.addListener(EVENT_TYPE[eventType].hide, () => { setKeyboardVisible(false); setKeyboardHeight(0); });
return () => { showListener.remove(); hideListener.remove(); }; }, []);
function dismissKeyboard() { Keyboard.dismiss(); setKeyboardVisible(false); }
return { isKeyboardVisible, keyboardHeight, dismissKeyboard, };}
import * as React from 'react';import { Input } from '~/components/ui/input';import { useKeyboard } from '~/lib/keyboard';
function Example() { const { isKeyboardVisible, keyboardHeight, dismissKeyboard } = useKeyboard();
console.log({ isKeyboardVisible, keyboardHeight });
function onChangeText(text: string) { console.log("text", text); if (text === 'dismiss') { dismissKeyboard(); } }
return <Input onChangeText={onChangeText} />}