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Styled text component and inheritance system.


Terminal window
npx @react-native-reusables/cli@latest add text


Accepts all the props of the React-Native Text component.


Uses the inheritance system to apply styles from parent components. Usage is the same as the React-Native Text component.

Inheritance system

By default, children cannot inherit styles from their parent components in React-Native. This can be problematic for components like a Button with variants where its Text component should change its styles based on the variant.

To solve this, components that need to pass styles to their Text children are wrapped with a TextClassContext.Provider. The Text component applies the styles from the TextClassContext to the React-Native Text component.


The algorithm used to determine which styles to apply is based on the following order of specificity:

Order of specificity:

  1. The added className of the Text component when being used
  2. The value of the closest TextClassContext.Provider to children Text components
  3. The default className in the Text component


import { Text } from '~/components/ui/text';
import { Parent } from './Parent';
import { OtherParent } from './OtherParent';
function Screen(){
return (
{/* Default behavior without a parent `TextClassContext.Provider` */}
<Text>The applied className is foreground</Text>
{/* Inherits the `TextClassContext.Provider` value from the `Parent` component and overrides the default `Text` component `className` */}
<Text>The applied className is text-red-500</Text>
{/* This `className` will override the `TextClassContext.Provider` value */}
<Text className="text-blue-500">The applied className is text-blue-500</Text>
{/* Inherits the `TextClassContext.Provider` value from the `OtherParent` component overrides the `TextClassContext.Provider` value from the `Parent` */}
<Text>The applied className is text-purple-500</Text>